How to Choose the Oil and Fluids for a VW Beetle

Volkswagen Beetle has been one of the most popular cars in the world. The first Beetle was manufactured in 1938 and the last original was made in 2003. There are certain oils and fluids that need to be used on the Volkswagen engine in order to keep it stable and running properly.
You should frequently change engine oil, coolants, transmission, brake and steering fluids to enhance the overall performance of your car. Follow some easy guidelines to help you choose the oil and fluids for a VW Beetle.
Things Required:
– 5W40 oil grade
– G12 coolant
– Transmission fluid
– Pentosin DOT 4 brake fluid
– Pentosin 11S synthetic base power steering fluid
Use the 5W30 oil grade
The recommended oil for the Volkswagen is the 5W40 oil grade. Many of the car owners use the 5W30 oil grade as it costs less than the recommended one. Users do not face any problems with the 5W30 oil but it is recommended that you use the oil that has been advised by many experts. -
Use genuine VW coolant
Using a good coolant is extremely important for the engine as it keeps it cool. The best coolant for Volkswagen would be the G12 coolant. Make sure you mix distilled water in the coolant if your car has a water-cooled engine. -
Use genuine VW transmission fluid
You must use the proper transmission fluid so that the transmission of your car remains intact. It can be used for both automatic and manual cars. It is recommended that you do not use Decron and Mercon transmission fluids as they are not good for the engine. -
VW brake fluid
It is highly recommended that you use the Pentosin DOT 4 brake fluid for your respective Volkswagen cars. It is the most effective for models made after 1998. Brake fluid is one of the most important components as far as the performance of the car is concerned. -
Steering fluid
For a smooth drive, you need to frequently change the steering oil of your Volkswagen. Pentosin 11S synthetic base power steering fluid is the most effective fluid for Volkswagen cars. It is also the one of the most used fluids for Volkswagen models made 1998.