How to Choose Topic for Dissertation

The students of every stage face a common problem that of selecting a topic for dissertation. Selecting a title for a research paper is the complex process, as it is a research itself. The students normally adopt outdated techniques for selecting a topic while sitting in libraries and consulting books. They never bothered that a good topic is always created not found. Don’t waste time in finding a topic from books and newspapers; use same efforts for creating a unique topic. There are numbers of techniques following which students can solve this minor issue in a smooth way. These are the ideas which can lead to them to a unique kind of topics which will stand well above the other students who follow the beaten tracks.
Select the Area of study
For selecting a research topic, it is recommended to stay away from books and libraries. Try to find a topic of your interest, like you are good in marketing then chose the topic related to marketing. If you are football fan, you can do some good research on football sports. It is preferred to select a topic of your professional field, or the field related to your study. You must have full command on your topic; this will save your time and energies to get resources. Moreover, this will help you in building your strong profile for your profession. Choose a topic you find both attractive and socially considerable. Never let anyone force you into writing about a certain topic! -
Shrink down the subject to a Question Form
Subject is a broad area of interest from which a more specific topic can be chosen.
- Start by thinking of a wide-ranging subject area
- Shrink it further
- Keep narrowing with a focus on subject until you come up with a research topic
Research topic is a comparatively narrow area of concentration that can be comprehensively researched and discussed within a specific word limit. Topic is habitually declared in the form of a question.
Remember, do not pick an area that is too narrow or too broad. Use the rule of thumb, if there are different books or journals written about a topic, it’s too much extensive for a research paper.
On the other hand, if the research questions can be completely answered in few lines, then the topic you have selected is narrow. -
Do not think of more than one topic
Always try to select and precise just one topic. Here, precise mean you should target only one area to study. Construct a conceptual map and put it immediately on some piece of paper. After that, follow these steps:
- List down the concise information about things that interests you
- Download different research papers to prepare hypothesis
- List down the software’s required to test the hypothesis
- The important factor is the availability of the data because without data you have nothing
- The supervisor should know the detailed information about your topic because a concerned supervisor would be a supportive supervisor
- If you have any work experience in that field, then list down the factors that you can apply on your study -
Prepare a checklist
- Is it manageable?
- Is it within your range of capability?
- Is the data accessible and authentic?
- Are there any potential ethics tribulations?
- Are costs expected to go beyond my budgets?
- How much time is required to get it all done?
- Do I have the skills and expertise to access this information? -
Defend your Dissertation topic.
A topic for dissertation must be researchable. For this purpose it must have multi-dimensional aspects so that a good and comprehensive research is conducted.
Present your research idea to trusted colleagues, and try to defend your research title by exploring these points.
- Why did you decide the research topic?
- What is your target audience?
- Do you have the sources to get the data?
- How many researches on this topic have been published so far?
- What points have been ignored in previous researches?
- Do you know of association or companies associated with this topic?
- What points have been ignored in previous studies?