How to Clean a Blow Dryer

Almost every hair stylist makes use of a blow dryer to quickly dry wet or damp hair. With the passage of time, dust and debris are bound to accumulate on the interior of the blow dryer, posing potential hazards. For this reason, it is imperative to clean both interior and exterior of the blow dryer from time to time. Cleaning a blow dryer is a very easy task and should not take too long.
Things Required:
– Soft toothbrush
– Vacuum cleaner
– Vacuum cleaner attachments
– Screwdriver
– Rubbing alcohol
– Soft cloth
Before you begin, make a loop of the blow dryer’s power cord. Secure the loop with a rubber band. This will prevent damage to the power cord while you clean the blow dryer.
Reveal the filter through which the blow dryer intakes air. Accomplish this be removing the grill at the dryer’s rear end. The intake filter is where most of the dust particles would be accumulated. Clean the filter to get rid of any accumulated dust or debris with a soft toothbrush. You would want to clean the intake filter very gently to prevent any damage.
Loose dust particles may still be remaining on the intake filter and the filter screen. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck out those loose particles. When you are done vacuuming, the filter and the screen are clean. You can now move on to cleaning the fan and motor of the blow dryer.
Locate the screws which hold the frame of the blow dryer in place. Use a screw driver to remove the screws and then cover the frame. This will reveal the blower’s fan and motor. If you have not cleaned the blow dryer for a long time, you will see lots of dust and debris accumulated on the fan and the motor. Clean the motor and the fan like the same you cleaned the intake filter and the filter screen.
As before, use a vacuum cleaner with proper attachments to get rid of loose dirt and debris. Replace the dryer’s frame and install the screws which you removed earlier.
Clean the exterior of the blow dry with a piece of cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol. Use a soft cloth to prevent scratching the exterior surface of the blow dryer. Allow enough time for the blower to dry completely before using it.