How to Clean Bicycle Wheel Rims

Bicycles are one of the most used accessories for children these days. It is one of the most basic things that children demand for when they start to grow up and is considered as one of the most healthy activities as it induces exercise for the user. Many parents also encourage the task and themselves want their children to learn how to ride a bicycle. Bicycle wheels get dirty and so do their rims. Here we have discussed how to increase the effective life of your bicycle wheels via cleaning them regularly.


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    Bicycles, due to continuous use and also due to the nature of their use, get dirty quickly. This is probably due to the fact that children love playing and riding bicycles in places where there is some amusement and with this amusement, comes dirt. The rims of the bicycle are most vulnerable and exposed to get into dirt and this dirt always gets stuck into these as the tires take the bicycle everywhere. In order to assure the good life of your bicycle, one should keep good care of its cleanliness. The rims of the bicycle are the most primary thing for this and they should be cleaned on regular basis. The first step in cleaning the rims is to take your bicycle into your garage, where you can start the task of cleaning the rims.

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    Next, once the bicycle has been parked in the garage, make sure that you have a water supply to the place. If you don’t have one, please ensure that you should connect a pipe for the availability of water to the garage. Now you have to turn the water connection on and start with the procedure.

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    Once the water supply is on, shower this water from the pipe onto the tires of the bicycle so that any dirt that exists on the surfaces of the bicycle tires is removed. Make sure that the pressure with which the water is applied is good enough so that the dirt get removes.

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    Now, remove the bicycle stand and tilt the bicycle on the ground. In steps, move to each rim of the bicycle and start cleaning these rims by taking a cloth and a dirt remover. It will remove all the dirt that could not be scraped off due to being stuck into the rims.

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    Finally, after the removal of all this dirt, take a clean and dry cloth to ensure that the water has been completely removed from these rims, as these rims are made up of steel and they may get rusted. You should also apply a shiner polish to make the rims look good and presentable.

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