How to Clean Your Toothbrush

Healthy teeth play a vital role towards the overall health of the human body. Teeth should be brushed with a clean toothbrush at least once a day in order to ensure that they remain healthy. There are a number of techniques which help you at cleaning a toothbrush. Moreover, it is important that you make it a habit to repeat these toothbrush cleaning techniques regularly. This will ensure that your toothbrush stays cleans and is safe to use for an extended amount of time.

Things Required:

– Water
– Soap
– Vinegar
– Antibacterial mouthwash
– 3-percent hydrogen peroxide
– Toothbrush holder


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    Before you use your toothbrush, properly clean your hands by washing them with warm water and good quality soap. This will prevent the transfer of bacteria from your hands onto the toothbrush.

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    Before and after you have brushed your teeth, rinse your toothbrush with either warm or hot water. Food particles and toothpaste gets stuck in the toothbrush and these particles can easily be removed by holding the brush under running water for about a minute. If you still see some particles trapped in the bristles, loosen them up by running your thumb back and forth over the bristles. Place the brush under a stream of cold running water in order to firm up the loosened bristles of the toothbrush.

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    Make it a habit to disinfect the toothbrush at least once a week. This can be accomplished by leaving the toothbrush soaked in vinegar overnight. If you are not comfortable using vinegar for this purpose, you can also use an antibacterial mouthwash. Leave the brushing end of your toothbrush immersed in a cup full of mouthwash, swish it in the liquid for about 30 seconds and place it under running water.

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    If you are one of those people who prefer to disinfect their toothbrush everyday, consider soaking your toothbrush in a small cup full of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide.

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    Place the toothbrush at a place with adequate air circulation. An isolated holder works perfectly for this purpose. Make sure that your toothbrush does not come into contact with other brushes in the holder. Also, ensure that you do not store the toothbrush in a closed container.

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