How to Close a Speech

The audience at a gathering is attentive to two beginning or start of a speech and then to its end. No matter how powerful was your speech between the two ends, letting your audience know and appreciate what you will say or have said is important part of the speech. It can make a lasting impression on the audience. You can end your speech in many ways, except on a note of false promises or hopes the way a politician will do. You can the audience a brief story, give a summary of important topics you have covered, which they should know as you wanted them to know, crack a joke, ask a question or even ask for a feedback at the end of the program. It is necessary that you leave the audience baffled about some unusual theoretical notion or amazing discovery, but something that is more understandable and nearer to the purpose they had come for. Sometimes people can request you to sing something for you, if you are a singer or happen to sing something better, which your audience is aware of. In that case, you have to give them their wish. If you are addressing a group of students, they might ask you to present something for them so be ready for even that aspect.


  • 1

    Prepare Audience for Closing of Speech

    Give clear hints that you are nearing end of your speech so that they become attentive all of sudden to hear what you have to say at the end, no matter if they were sleeping during the speech. You can say words like and finally or last but not the least or to sum up etc. This will inform people that you are about to end your speech.

  • 2

    Have A Go on Main Points Covered

    You can in a few sentences can cover the main points of your speech once again. This is a good way to help your audience to catch up on some of things they might have missed. Also, this will let them know you are about to close your speech.

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    Ask Question

    You can end your speech with a question to your audience. This can be relevant if you have just discussed something that they have to chose between or decide about what is the best for them. So ask them what they think of the choices you have given them and what they feel is the best for them.

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    Ask for Feedback

    If you have shared some important information in your speech to your audience, ask them for feedback. What they think of the project you have discussed or information you have shared with them.

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    Be Humorous

    If you have delivered a speech of some boring subject, end it with adding some humour to it. It can be a little funny story, incidence or even a decent joke that makes the audience laugh. It can be the best ending if you noticed your audience were yawning most of the time during speech.

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    Avoid Challenging Them

    Do not close your speech with some challenging notion or question. It can turn your audience against you or the idea you wanted to convey them. This can also ruin your entire effort about a certain subject that you thought was necessary to share with them.

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    Do Not Make Promises or Give Hopes

    Do not end your speech on a note of promises or hopes, whether false or true. This is the job well done by politicians, and you should be focused to some real information and agenda. So avoid ending your speech on such a note.

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