How to Collect Alternative Comics

Comic characters fascinate most of us and if you have the stomach for dark themes, then alternative comics could be your thing. If you follow mainstream comics then you would know that they do not deal with themes which are too offensive or provocative. Alternative comics have been known for their experimentation with anti-hero themes, which means that not only can these comics become a bit bold but also touch some bitter realities of life.
The first and the preferred step should be to visit your nearest comic book store. Many shops carry alternative brands along with mainstream comics.
In some comic stores you can actually meet aspiring and established comic artists when these stores host "artists' jams". Here you can also see their unpublished work and other projects in development.
For comic fans, it is imperative to go to comic book shows and conventions. However, it is likely that you will not find the latest issue of a particular alternative comic in these shows or conventions; still you will be able to get your hands on previous editions of these comics.
The next step is to look online. Some comic book artists and dealers sell this genre of comics on the internet. The producers/artists of these comics usually maintain their own websites for promotional purposes.
If you are new at this, then you better look for themes and characters which interest you. However, keep in mind that alternative comics deal with darker and more mature themes than mainstream comics.
Follow the work of artists and writers outside their mainstream projects. You will be surprised to know that many artists who started off by working for big names in the mainstream comic industry later branched out, forming their own independent comic book houses.
Keep in mind that alternative comic artists do not follow stringent deadlines like the mainstream business. So an issue might not come out even after a month, which would require you to be patient and not lose interest in the series.
Frequently visit comic book stores in your vicinity and get acquainted with the owner or manager, this way you can request special comics and get more information about upcoming releases etc.