How to Communicate Effectively With Children

Effective communication with children is very important but unfortunately some parents undervalue it as they are more concerned with imposing restrictions. Nevertheless, if you want to have an ideal relationship with your children and wish to improve the environment of your house, it is crucial that you communicate effectively with your kids. You should also understand that there can be numerous reasons why kids hesitate in having an open discussion about various issues with you. This can be due to his or her experiences at school or simply due to the fact that they are just reluctant in sharing.


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    Check for signs

    In order to confirm whether your kid has communication issues or not, it is important that you should closely look for the signs. For this, you can observe his or her use of nonverbal communication, keeping in mind patience, ingenuity, understanding, diplomacy and respect. Observing all of these traits in your children will help you analyse the situation and have a clear picture of what issues they face.

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    Ask the child

    After you have observed your child for all of these traits, you must also consider asking him or her. Note that you must be polite while talking to your kids and discuss in a gentle tone about what issues they might be facing.

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    Give importance to nonverbal communication

    Surprisingly, only verbal communication is considered important when discussing things with your children, but this is not the case. Nonverbal communication is also very effective and it saves a lot of time. Thus, you must give due importance to the use of nonverbal means of communication and words may deceive but the body language says everything.

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    Ask your child to play games

    Due to the recent advancements in IT, most games and hobbies are basically limited to video games. Nevertheless, it is important that you should motivate your kids to enjoy physical games or activities as this plays a positive developmental role in grooming your children.

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    Justify everything

    Instead of just giving orders to your kids, you must justify the logic behind everything. For example, if you have asked your child to do a particular activity, you must explain the importance of doing that. For this, you must list the pros of the activity that you want your child to perform.

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    Tell him/her to interact

    You must convince your child to interact with others as much as possible as this plays a key role in giving confidence to them.

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