How to Conduct a Fire Drill at an Assisted Living Facility

In this current day and age, there is a lot of stress on being prepared for emergencies. The number of such problems has increased recently as the population of the world has seen an unprecedented increase.
Fire drills are one of the many drills that are held to help people prepare for emergencies. If it is being done at an assisted health facility, chances are that the people residing at the facility will find it hard to participate in the drill on their own. Holding such a drill will be challenging but can certainly be done.
Be aware of the total number of staff that can be a part of the drill. This is important as the planning of the drill will be done as per the number of people available. Do not hire extra staff and only include the number of people who will be available at the facility at any given time. Divide the patients accordingly. -
Once you know about the number of employees available for the drill and the number of patients in the facility, make a plan. Make sure that it is in line with the directives provided by the local emergency services.
Also make it known to the local fire department as they will be providing fire-fighters and also help in the planning process. -
Once the plan is in place, prepare well for the drill. Make certain that the staff is well aware of their role and is mentally and physically prepared to undergo the drill. They should be well acquainted with the whole process so that there are no glitches in its execution. -
Make an announcement that a drill will be taking place a few days in advance so that the residents are well aware of it. If there are elderly at the facility, make sure that more than one announcement is made. Select a time when most residents are available so that they can be included in the drill as well. -
Once everything is in place, ring the fire bell and get the drill underway. Make sure that all the staff members move their designated residents and try to make sure that there is an order in their movements and they are not haphazard.