How to Conduct a Task Analysis

A task analysis is an analysis of how a job is done. The observation and defining of the process that involves carrying out a task is called its analysis. For each job different steps are needed to achieve the desired goal. So be assured you fulfill all the analysis requirements in carrying out a task analysis. For example, you will need to record and analyze as minute details as time and date on which the task was carried and completed, as well as the actual process of carrying out of the task.


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    Start with recording all details around each individual task that you are going to analyze. Record time, date on which the task was started, time and date on which it was completed and how much manpower was involved in carrying out the work.

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    Record and observe all the steps that have been taken in carrying and fulfillment of the task. For example, the involvement of technical and mechanical tools, and how effective had been the role of manpower in harmonization of the two process.

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    Record goals achieved out of each tasks. This includes if all the defined objectives were met in carrying out the task, and the level of satisfaction of the force involved and impact of the work was up to the set standards. Although machines cannot be wronged in a self-operating system, human activity can change to a varying degree.

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    After observing and recording each detail of the task, you can do an analysis of it. Take each detail in a breakdown and make your observation according to the requirement of the question that you have in front of you for the analyzing of the task. For example, it can be how effective was coordination between people carrying two tasks of same nature and at the same time, especially if the outcomes were different.

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    Write down your observation on each step category wise. Again, you will have to refer to each detail that you have recorded during observation of the task while it was being carried out. The analysis should be clear enough that it can be referred to all future analysis as a reference or as a record.

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    While making observation on each task and the tools that were involved in carrying out of these task, you can also make suggestions on them. It can be according to the opinion of the people who were involved in the task or your own suggestions as a consultant. It is to tell how a task could have been done more effectively in the same setting if some particular steps had been taken.

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