How to Connect Emotionally With People

Connecting to the world is not a difficult task these days. You just need a few ‘clicks’ and you will be able to know people from all parts of the globe. You just need a good internet connection and you will be able to communicate to everyone.

Just a couple of decades back, people were not able to talk to each other over the internet. They had to write letters to their loved ones, who were working abroad or not with their family for several other reasons.

This was a lengthy process and it did not serve the purpose in the right way. However, things changed dramatically over the last 15 years or so. You can have a video chat to anyone in the world without any additional charges and it feels that the person is sitting right next to you.

Despite all the advancement in technology, there is one thing which has not changed one bit and that is concerned with the emotional aspects of our lives. Connecting with others is easy, but relating to others emotionally is a different story altogether. You cannot do that over the internet through the social networking websites or other video chatting applications.

To create an everlasting bond, you need to develop a certain level of trust which cannot be broken by anything in this world. There are a lot of other things that need to be taken care of while making an emotional connection to anyone.


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    Give time to your loved ones

    It is important to give some time to your loved ones, as they need it more than anyone else. If you are in the same city or neighbourhood, it is nice to hangout regularly. On the other hand, if your special one is not anywhere near, talk to him/her over the phone or internet on a daily basis.

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    Talk less and listen more

    Another important thing is to listen to others carefully. If you love them, don’t tell them what you want. Instead, as them their needs and try to fulfil them if possible.

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    Share some private time

    Meeting in public can be a different thing, as you will not be able to express your feelings openly to your loved one. Therefore, it is better to meet in private and share some thoughts. Try not to discuss the problems during that time and share all the beautiful things together.

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    Hug your partner tightly

    If your partner is a bit depressed, hug him/her tightly. This will give a feeling that you are always there for your loved ones no matter what the situation is.

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