How to Construct Scaffolding

Scaffolding is an extremely important part of building and home maintenance. When doing construction at a lower level, it is not possible to use mega electric machines. So, you have to use scaffolding to reach up there. It is almost impossible to complete a construction with scaffolding, because the ladders don’t work everywhere.

Constructing scaffolding is a tricky business. It is not one of the impossible things, but making it safe for the user is certainly a tough ask. The idea behind building scaffolding is providing a platform to the worker for walking and setting all the tools.

Things Required:

– One pump jack and accessories per column
– Two fir 12-foot, 2 by 4 inch boards and two 14-foot, 2 by 4 inch boards per column
– Two 12-foot, 2 by 4 inch boards for each platform
– Six 2 by 4 inch board braces for platform spacing
– Two column-to-house braces for each column
– 24 inch by 12 inch sheets of 3/4 inch exterior plywood for platforms
– 3 1/2 inch galvanized screws
– 16d nails
– Hammer
– Drill
– Tape measure
– Long rope for raising columns


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    First of all, assemble all the parts. It is not a good idea to look for different things while constructing the scaffolding. The first thing is assembling the columns and platform.

    For columns, vertically build 2/4 boards side by side. Make sure the surface is flat and the boards are of 12 and 14 feet respectively. Overlap both boards to get a 26-foot column. To make it stronger, use 16d nails at the overlap junction.

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    After finishing with the columns, focus on platforms. Vertically set a couple of 12-foot 2 by 4 boards on a flat surface. The braces are required to be nailed perpendicular to the sides, making sure you are giving enough room to the platform.

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    The next step is sliding the jack over column. When sliding, you need to ensure that it is secured and completely fixed.

    In order to build scaffold comprising two columns and one platform, you must space the columns at least 12 feet apart. For a longer scaffold, you are required to reduce the distance between the columns.

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    The mid-column braces are extremely important in order to make the columns virtually immoveable. Therefore, quickly fasten braces using 2 1/2-inch to 3 1/2-inch exterior screws.

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    The final step is attaching the guardrails. Since there are risks of falls, guardrails are highly recommended.

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