How to Control Meal Portions for Weight Loss

It can be difficult to maintain your weight with the various fat foods around you. The restaurant servings have grown so large that they are usually enough for 2 to 3 persons. It can get difficult to control the portion you consume when there are tasty burgers, pizza, and fried chicken right in front of you. If you consume more calories than required, you are prone to get fat after some time. Controlling the portions  is critical in managing and ultimately losing additional weight. Portion control leads to healthy eating and a positive attitude towards food and your health.


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    When you are having dinner together as a family, the dishes usually remain on the table till the very end. As the food is in sight so we are bound to take second serving. The food is accessible and we eat a lot more than required. Leave the dishes in the kitchen after you have taken one serving or you could fix meals in a single serving plate for every one so that you don’t eat more than what is on the plate. Food takes at least 20 minutes to settle and your mind then gives you the signal that you are full.

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    Instead of having 3 big meals in a day, consume five small meals. This will help keep the blood sugar level regulated throughout the day; you will feel more energetic and will not end up over eating.

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    We all know our weaknesses. These trigger foods should be kept out of sight. For some of us opening a big bag of chips means consuming the whole of it in one go. If this is the case, then do not buy such big portions. Try to purchase 100 calorie packs when you go for grocery shopping. This way you will neither be deprived of the treat, nor will you be over eating.

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    Healthy greens are a perfect way to control your portion size during a meal. Consume a healthy salad before the meal and you will end up eating less in the main course. Be watchful as nowadays salads have a lot of fatty dressings drizzled on them.

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