How to Cope After the Death of a Spouse

Coping with the death of a spouse is never easy. The intensity of the loss is even greater if you have spent many years with your spouse and expected to continue spending your life-time with them. However, death is an unfortunate reality that can strike anyone at anytime. You need to be strong and prepare yourself for the future. The world or your life does not end with the death of your loved one, which is why you need to get back on your feet and start living again after grieving the loss for some time.
If you truly loved your spouse, then do not move on until you fulfil the requests, if any, that they had made to you. Fulfilling their request will help you to attain peace of mind and remove any mental obstacle that can keep you from pursuing a new life.
Remember to be patient. After sharing such an intimate bond with someone, it is not easy to forget about it in a matter of days and simply move on. While your spouse may continue to live in your heart forever, the memories will begin to get suppressed after a few months, which will consequently allow you to feel normal again. This, however, can take a fair amount of time. You should not give up hope of ever getting over the loss and continue to remain patient.
There are various stages of coping with the death of a loved one. You will initially go into denial, then experience anger, then feel resentment, then become sad and eventually accept the fact that your spouse is no longer in this world. The changes in your state of mind will feel like a roller-coaster ride. In some cases, these changes keep returning after every few years. It is best to learn to control yourself and your emotions so that you can successfully move on with your life.
You may come across people who will try to tell you or make you feel that you are not grieving properly. However, do not pay any attention to them. Neither are others capable of understand the strength and depth of the bond that you shared with your spouse, nor are they able enough to realise that impact that the death of your spouse has made on you. If someone tries to tell you that you are recovering too fast, ignore them. There is no need to offer any explanation or prove your grief to them.
If there was something that you wanted to do, but unable to do because of your commitment to your spouse, start doing it now. You can go on an adventure trip, or buy a yacht, or simply travel around the world.
Distract yourself from your loss by doing volunteer work.
Your spouse would have surely wanted you to get married again so that you did not end up becoming alone after their death. Start searching for another partner after a few months or years if you begin to feel alone or your children miss having motherly/fatherly figure at home.