How to Cope With Being Less Smart Than Others

People find it very difficult to know the fact that some people are much smarter than them. There is nothing to argue as it is very right that we cannot tolerate being dumb in the circle of our friends. If you face the similar problem and want to get over it, this article will help you in all possible ways and you will be able to match the level of their smartness.
Often, some people feel pressurise being around the smart individuals and due to their immense pressure they start making mistakes they have never made or they should have never made. They key to being smart than others is hard work and most importantly confidence. In many cases, lack of confidence to speak in front of people makes people do dumber things and they get embarrassed as a result. If you want to match the level of smartness with someone, you should make a list of all the things you lack in as this will help you focus in the right direction and you will be able to improve the pace.
First you need to get rid of the problem. You should figure out the actual reason why some people are smarter than you. It can be the lack of concentration or everything appears to be very difficult for you.
After the problem is identified, you should discuss it with someone that can be your family, friend, teacher, tutor or a neighbour, anyone you feel comfortable with.
If you do not have a tutor, you should hire one and ask him/her to help you in your studies. Discuss all your problems very carefully and make sure he/she is doing his/her best otherwise it will be a waste of money.
There are multiple ways of getting a tutor, if your friends or family cannot refer you one, try using the internet. If there is a problem with your internet connection, you can go to a library or ask your teacher for extra guidance. Be confident and aware that it is your teacher’s responsibility to give you extra time if you require.
If you have an elder brother or sister, then all your problems are solved as no one can explain things to you best than your elder siblings.
You are not the only one facing this problem, be confident and work hard and you will prevail.