How to Copy A Painting or Drawing from a Photograph

Nearly every drawing or illustration software does allow the user to not only recreate a painting or drawing but also try to copy it directly. There are two main ways to do this, one involves using a high resolution camera and powerful photo editing software, while the other, for those who wish to recreate drawings digitally, involves using drawing or illustrating software and using the photo as a reference.
The first option is the simpler of the two as you do not have to learn any new software.
Things Required:
– Photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop
– Illustration or drawing software, such as Sketchbook Pro, Adobe Photoshop
– A tablet and pen attachment
– A source, either a photo or drawing
– A DSLR or more powerful camera
For the first technique, simply load up the photograph onto to the desired photo editing software. We recommend Photoshop. This can be done by either taking a digital photo of the image or using a scanner to scan the photo and create a digital copy. If you do not have a scanner then there are number of resources one could turn to.
Once the image has been loaded on to Photoshop, simply crop away the bits and areas that you do not require. Use the crop tool for the best results.
The second technique is best for recreating drawings. Follow the first step but instead of cropping the image, it would be better, in the case of a drawing, to trace over it using either a pen or pencil tool.
Add the image to the software and keep it as a background layer.
Based on the software you are using, simply reduce the density of the background layer where the image has been placed.
Add a new layer on top of the bottom layer.
Select the pen tool or pencil tool and trace out the outline of the drawing on the newly created layer.
Once this is done, you may be adding colour if there is any in the drawing. That is a tricky bit and we recommend using the first technique if the drawing has complicated colours and your skills aren’t well developed.
When the outline is complete you may delete the bottom layer and will be left with a copy of the drawing itself.