How to Copy a Program into a Jump or Flash Drive

Jump or flash drives are one of the most convenient mean of data transfer these days. In most parts of the world, people prefer to use flash drive over compact discs because handling and copying data on a flash drive is much easier. In a few minutes you can transfer data from your computer to the flash drive. You can then give the flash drive to a friend or colleague so that they can make use of the data you copied on the drive. Here is how you can copy a programme from your computer to a jump or flash drive.


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    The first thing that you need to do is to insert the jump or flash drive in a free USB port on your computer. If you are using a desktop, you will see a number of USB ports at the back of the CPU. In a laptop, the USB ports are located at the both sides of the laptop. Remember that the drive can be inserted in the USB port from one side only. Avoid forcing the drive into the port and flip its sides instead.

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    A ‘New Hardware Detected’ message will pop up on the screen. In this phase, the operating system installed on your PC is installing the required software to control the drive that you just attached. Wait until you get a message saying that the new hardware is ready to use.

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    Locate the programme that you wish to copy to the drive. Right click on the programme icon and choose ‘Copy’ from the list of available option. You have now copied the desired programme to the clip board in the operating system. All that needs to be done is to transfer the desired programme to the flash drive.

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    For a MAC, you can open the flash drive by clicking twice on its desktop icon. For a PC with Windows operating system, first go to ‘My Computer’ and then open the jump or flash drive by double clicking the appropriate icon.

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    Right click in a blank spot inside the flash drive window which pops up when you open. Choose ‘Paste’ from the drop down menu. The operating system will start copying your desired programme to the flash drive. The time it takes for the programme to be completely copied to the flash drive depends on the size of the file(s) being copied.

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