How to Correct Hair Color that is too Blonde

It may be simple to colour your hair at home and also cost you less, but sometimes the results are not as expected. One of the many mistakes that women make when colouring their hair at home is over lightening it. You may be inspired by the ramp walk platinum locks of models, but it doesn’t have the same effect in routine life. There is no need to worry if you have made this colour mishap. There are many simple steps that you can follow to fix this issue.

Things Required:

– Moisturizing shampoo
– Deep moisturizing treatment
– Semi permanent hair color


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    Before you start making corrections, analyze the condition of your hair. The hair gets damaged because of the chemical process which makes it too light. Before applying any other colour to fix the blonde shade, you will have to re-moisturize your hair. Otherwise they will turn out too dark or discoloured. Moisturize your hair with a shampoo. After that, apply a good conditioner to smooth the strands. Let the conditioner stay on for at least ten minutes. If you have time, cover your head with a plastic shower cap and give it some heat.

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    To avoid any more damage to your hair, use a semi-permanent colour to darken your hair. These hair products are ammonia free and they come in many shades, the colour stays on for up to 28 washes. It also has the benefit that colour fades gradually, giving it a natural look. If your hair were brassy blonde, then use a cool shade to correct them. If the hair is overly pale, then go for a warm-hued colour. These companies offer customer service and you can ask the experts’ advice before correcting them. Before applying the product to the whole head, apply it to one strand to check.

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    It is advised not to use a permanent colour if your hair is freshly bleached. The porous condition of the hair will not allow for good results. If you make a mistake with a permanent hair colour, it can be very difficult to fix it. These are not recommended for working at home, an expert will know how to use them. If you do not want to alter your hair totally, then go for low lights. Be sure to get some help from an expert stylist when using permanent colour on your hair. It might be a good idea to visit a hair salon to help you with colouring your hair properly.

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