How To Cover a Tattoo Using Theatrical Makeup

There are a number of products out there, which can easily help you cover up a tattoo. However, sometimes these products can prove to be a whole lot more expensive than you want, and can prove to be rather complex as well.

If you find yourself in a rather compromising situation, you can simply turn to your theatrical makeup, or even normal make up bag, to help you cover up the undesired tattoo for a short period of time.

You must also keep in mind that if you are going to be needing to cover your tattoos up on a number of occasions, then it is probably a wise idea to have a makeup kit handy with you at all times.


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    Concealer and Powder

    The first step is to go on and apply some concealer on the tattoo area. It is smarter to start off with a lighter colored concealer, and then slowly work your way up to a darker colour. This will give you the base and foundations with which to work on and it will cover up the tattoo rather well on a very basic level. Make sure you don’t apply too much concealer, or it could stand out and make it look like you are trying to hide something.

    The next step is to apply some powder on the tattoo once the concealer has been used. You can use a brush or powder to do this, or use a pad to spread the powder across. Using a pad will help you spread the powder across evenly and could prove to be the smarter thing to do.

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    Foundation and Blush

    Go ahead and apply foundation next, and start off with a lighter colour and then moving up to a darker colour. Remember once again not to apply too much of it, since if you do that, you will be forced to have to take it off any way.

    However, instead of using sponges as is the case when applying theatrical make up, try use your fingers to blend it all in. Do this with both the lighter and darker shades and remember to do so after applying the powder.

    Lastly go ahead and apply some blush on the area. Use a small brush to do so and use extra blush on areas that could use some more covering up.

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    Repeat as many steps as you need to, in order to make sure the tattoo is completely covered up.

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