How To Create a Skin Care Regimen for Teens

Most of the skin care issues are related to teenagers. While their body is in the most crucial development phase, there are significant changes in skin conditions of teenage boys and girls alike. Acne, whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and skin spots are common problems faced by most teenagers. Adopting a skin care regimen in your teenage can help them you to prevent such problems. You have to develop routine practices and can have a perfect skin. No matter what type of skin you have, there are many ways to avoid all sorts of skin problems and have a fresh looking, glowing face.


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    Know Your Skin Type

    Skin thing first, you need to know what type of skin you have; oily, dry, sensitive or a combination of all these types. You cannot do anything in an effective manner until you know the exact type of your skin.

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    Daily cleansing is one of the vital parts of skin care regimen you should adopt. Cleansing your face twice a day is strongly recommended but you have to do it at least before going to bed. Tons of skin cleansers are available in the market and you can choose any of the quality product according to your skin type and suitability.

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    Removing Makeup

    Girls put on a lot of makeup regularly, especially if they have to go out for a party or a regular hang out with friends. You must remove all of your makeup before going to bed. Using suitable beauty soap and your favourite cleanser will ensure no chemical substance is upon your face when you are going to bed.

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    If you have an oily skin, it is better to smear an ice cube on your entire face before washing it. Use a gel-based or foam cleanser to remove the excessive oils and makeup from your face.

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    Teens with dry and rough skin, a natural cleanser is recommended. You can make a natural cleanser of your own by mixing together a teaspoon of honey with equal amount of fresh lemon juice to wash your face.

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    Problems become increased if you have a sensitive skin, as the chemicals in the skin cleansers might cause irritation or other adverse issues. It is better to use a natural cleanser. Half teaspoon of salt added to half a cup of milk forms a good cleanser for sensitive skin. Use cotton balls to soak the cleanser and dab it to your face gently.

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    Teens with dry skins have to use moisturizing creams, lotions and serums to maintain their rough skin. Choose a moisturizing product containing natural oils and lesser chemicals.

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