How to Create a Storefront in RPG Maker XP

Creating a storefront in RPG maker XP is a daunting task but with right information and correct technique, you can always get your desired result. Before you create storefront in RPG maker, you need to understand that Enterbrain’s RPG maker XP certainly permits young gamers to create and customize their own kind of characters along with plenty of role-playing video game and its adventures. Storefront is a place where gamers virtually buy important items in order to complete their quest. It is important to know that in this way, you not only buy things but you can also sell items.


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    Creating a new map

    First you need to understand that in order to create a storefront in RPG maker XP, you need to create a new map. You will see a tab of a world map title and as you double click on the lower left corner. After creating a new map by double clicking on world map tab, now name the shop and select with your own choice of the tileset of the pull down menu.

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    Customizing look of your shop

    After creating a new map using the world map tab, now you have to customize the look of your shop according to your own style. You should also add floors and walls along with windows and other elements from the shop which will be located in the upper left corner. Try to make your shop unique by adding personal touches and unique styles or designs. Make your store special by adding something in the design or style that makes it stand out.

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    Selecting the "Event" layer

    After creating and customizing the overall look of your shop and even creating a new map, you need now to select the event layer. It will impact on the player you will select and on a particular character and its starting position in the store. You can also do this by double clicking on the appropriate square.

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    Double clicking on desired position

    It is very important that you need to double click on desired position to place the shop owner. You should also select the appropriate graphic to suite your character.

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    Add items available for sale

    Now you should also add items available for sale as it will certainly help you begin the process. Adding items available for sale is also a good idea that will allow you to earn money by selling different items. Make sure that you place items that are appropriate and priced right.

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