How to Create a Weight Loss Chart

Obesity is a problem that seems to be consuming the world as the days go by. Just about every other person seems to be suffering from some form of weight issues, and hardly anyone is doing anything to fix that.

However, people have now started to get aware of their weight issues, and are now looking to remedy the situation. Everyone is now looking to lead a much healthier lifestyle, and they are looking to stay in top shape.

One of the ways for people looking to maintain their weight, is with the help of weight loss charts. These charts help them monitor their weight loss progress and tells them just how far they have come.


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    Gather resources

    The first step to creating a weight loss chart is to gather the resources. Now these resources vary based on how you want to make your chart.

    Basically, you are looking to create a chart, with dates and goals set on it. Now you can either do this on a chart paper, or get a calendar and make markings on it based on how much you need to weigh on various stages in the calendar year.

    You may use sticky notes to mark out the dates, or circle them using a marker or something along those lines.

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    Make entries

    Now in order for your weight loss chart to give you the best and most optimal results, you are going to have to be very honest with the chart. Lying to the chart won’t be very helpful and it could end up making it not want to help you.

    What you need to do, is to weight yourself every day. Now after you weight yourself, you need to go ahead and mark your weight for that day on the chart.

    Keep repeating this step for the whole year, and you will be able to easily monitor your progress over the year.

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    Set goals and achievements

    In order to really push yourself to working to the ultimate goal of losing a lot of weight, you need to set goals for yourself.

    Based on your current weight, set out ideal weights that you would like to achieve on various dates all across the year.

    This way, you will be looking to lose enough weight to match that given weight on that specific day, as you look to lead a much healthier lifestyle.

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