How to Create Abstract Art on Canvas

Art is always subjective as people always paint what they feel, observe or experience personally. There are different ways to present your observation in art work and abstract art has earned a considerable place in modern times. Abstract art can be confusing for many viewers but the artist presents his theme with the help of colours. In abstract art, paintings of unrecognisable objects are common and in this non-objective style, the artist beautifully portrays what he wants to show people. If you do not know how to create abstract art on canvas then take help from this article.
First of all, you should identify the objects that fascinate you and you passionately want these objects to be presented on canvas in the form of abstract art.
You need to contemplate the theme of your abstract art and should make notes while thinking about it. These notes will help you in creating abstract art on the canvas in a perfect manner.
For creating abstract art, you need inspiration that plays a vital role in creating a masterpiece. You can get inspiration by viewing the art work of different leading artists who have established their name in the field of abstract art.
You should draw the image outline on the canvas which will provide a base of your abstract art. Make sure you take care of it as the size and dimension of outline plays a vital role in creating a fascinating abstract painting.
Draw an outline with the help of a pencil and make sure that the lines of this image outline are light because it will become difficult for you to make amendments if you draw a thick and heavy outline.
Now you should apply a dollop, preferably of smaller in size, of each colour on the painting palette. If you want to make your painting dry in less amount of time then use acrylic paints that dry faster.
Oil paints take a considerably long time in drying up as compared to the acrylic paints. You have to take more time to your abstract painting if you are using oil paints.
Properly dip the paintbrush in your desired paint colour and then glide it on the canvas in an area that you want to fill. Make sure you glide the brush carefully in order to avoid covering any unwanted area.
Use a damp paintbrush for stamping and blending colours and draw it over the line that you want to blend. Keep doing it until you see the colours merging with each others on their boundary line.