How to Create an Abdominal Circuit Workout

An abdominal circuit workout is a good way to give your tummy an athletic shape. You can choose as many exercises as you can possibly do in a circuit, one after another with about 30 seconds break or no break at all. This will help you get quicker and better results. The circuit is simply a circle in which you do different tummy exercises in a row. Make sure you do each exercise on its merit.
Twisting Mountain Climber
Start with this exercise. Get into a push-up position with your hands open up to width of your shoulders. Staying in the same position lift your right knee in the direction of left shoulder so that your belly is twisted slightly. Bring back the knee at previous position and without losing a second lift your left knee towards the right arm or shoulder. Repeat this exercise. -
Abs Wheel
An abs wheel exercise is done with a wheel having protruding handle with it. Get down on your knees at a carpet and then hold the wheel handle with a palm grip. Bend your legs about 90 degree and back straight. Now roll down the wheel on the floor as much as you can so that your tummy crunches. Bring back the wheel at the previous position and repeat the exercise. -
Standard Leg Raises
Lie down on your back with your both legs stretched straight and hands stuck with your sides. Now raise your legs gradually to almost a 90-degree angle above your tummy and bring them back slowly down until they reach the floor area. Do not let your legs touch the floor and then raise them up again. -
Bicycle Crunch
Lie down on your back and put both your hands behind your head holding it. Now lift your legs and move them as if you are riding a back. Also, lift yourself up in a bending position with your elbows facing knees. The position will put pressure on your tummy and you can do the riding exercise in the same position. -
Other Exercises
There are many other exercises that you can add to your abdominal circuit workout routine. However, it is better to keep the circuit to only a few exercises initially, and as your strength increases and your tummy starts getting into shape, you may increase the number of exercises.