How to Create Hotmail Email Account

People have been using email hosting websites since mid 90s for the purpose of sending messages to each other. This facility proved to be a blessing for all those who had to wait for several days and weeks so as to get some news from their dear ones located overseas or at long distance. Despite the fact that having an email account and sending emails has become a necessity in the world today, still there are many who hardy have a clue about it. Some do not have enough time to get acquainted to all this and some do not find it useful enough for their own reasons. Whatever, the reason is now you will be able to create an email account on hotmail after the next five minutes.


  • 1

    Switch on your computer and make sure that it is connected to the Internet. There will be some Internet browsers appearing on your computer screen.

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    As you will click on any of the browsers, there will be a window opening in front which will probably be the home page of a certain website.

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    At the header of the page, you will see an address bar. Add the address in the address bar and the Hotmail home page will appear on your PC's screen.

  • 4

    There will be some options displayed on the Hotmail home page but as you have to create an account so look for the Hotmail option.

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    Upon clicking the Hotmail option, there will be a Sign Up option at your left and a Sign In option at the right side of your screen.

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    As you don't have an account on Hotmail so you cannot click on Sign In. Hence, click on the Sign Up button to create a Hotmail account for yourself.

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    When you will click on Sign Up button, there will be a form that you have to fill up. Suggest an email and an alternate email with some other simple information like your name, date of birth and country.

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    Once you have done with filling up information in the form then click on the “I accept” button that you will see in bold at the bottom of the page.

  • 9

    As you will click on “I accept”, there will be a change in screen. Your Hotmail account is created and now you can use it as desired.

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