How to Create Kindergarten Homework Packets

Kindergarten is a stage for children where they need to be nurtured and shown a path towards the love for learning. It is at this early stage that children begin to think about the world around them and learn very quickly. This is why homework packets should be created and sent with them to keep this mental evolution moving forwards.

Homework should never be a burden for children of any age as it should be something that can be done in as little as an hour and reflect what they learned throughout the day to keep it fresh.


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    Packet Schedule

    The good thing about homework packets is that you do not have to assign different assignments every day and instead, you will give them a complete package that is usually supposed to be done throughout the week. Decide what the children will be learning throughout the week and customise the packet accordingly. Usually, teachers give the packets on Monday and expect them to be returned by the end of the week.

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    Children may be confused to as which assignment needs to be completed, especially if there are not any special instructions given. Even better than instructions is labelling the work according to the days of the week so that they do the packet for the specific day.

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    Keep it Fun

    Remember that you are not teaching children at a high school level, so everything in the kindergarten homework packet should be kept at a minimum and be fun to do while educational at the same time. From drawing to simple math, anything which children at this level can do willingly and with the least amount of adult supervision should be prioritised.

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    Reading is essential to build the mental capacity of children at this young age. It is important that you assign some sort of reading material which the children will not only enjoy, but also be able to talk about by recording their thoughts either verbally or by drawing it out.

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    Not every child can perform on the same level, so if it is possible, try and customise each homework packet depending on what level each student is on. You can make groups according to how you think children can perform and assign them those packets accordingly. Remember to always take out some time to discuss the homework of the previous day to pinpoint any issues children may be facing.

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