How to Create Websites Using Google Pages

If you are looking to create a website using Google pages you will be glad to know that the steps involved are very simple. Consider following some simple guidelines and techniques to perform this task efficiently. You will be required to acquire hosting services for your website that will use web tools to launch your website on the internet. Changes can also be made to the content of the website by creating a free Google account. Get started and create your website using Google pages today.

Things Required:

– Web tools
– Google Account
– Computer with internet


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    Before doing anything else, you will need to make sure that you have some basic computer and IT skills. Once you have made up your mind about creating a business or personal website, consider navigating to the Google Sites website. On the home page, locate the free sign up option, which is usually found at the top right hand side of the page. Provide your personal details including full name, username, passwords, date of birth, country of residence and phone number. Sign in to your account using your username and password to access account settings and functions.

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    Your website basics can be set up within a few minutes using the Wizard tool. Consider choosing name, URL, description and Meta tags for your new website. Once you have selected a suitable URL name for your webpage, consider choosing a theme or background. This can be done by choosing any theme from a variety of themes available in the appearance category. Determine the privacy level to protect your website against hackers and spammers. Using Google pages, it is possible to make your website available to the general public or only to limited people.

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    Next, manage your setting and choose the Create New Page option. Select the announcement, file cabinet, list format and dashboard for your webpage. Name each of these categories and past them in your content. Insert pictures, text and attachments into a blank word processing page. Add links to complete the website building process.

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    You can add as many pages on your website as you require. Add tables and other useful plugins to attract more viewers if you need to. Click the Save Changes button to make changes to your website and publish the pages. Be sure to take your time while you build your website as you will want it to look nice and have all the links working appropriately. If you need further assistance you can check online for a ton of resources that will help you create a website using Google pages.

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