How to Create Your Own Christmas Cards

A custom made Christmas card leaves a better impression on your love one, compared to the market-bought. You can express your feelings for your family by inserting some special image in the card. In the meantime, you can also convert your thoughts for your family in words and display them in your Christmas card. So, if you plan to create your own Christmas card, then nothing can be better than to use Adobe Pagemaker, as it will allow you to use different templates to create the card in just few clicks.
Launch Pagemaker and select “Cards” option, which you can find under the templates section of the window that appeared right after you launched the application. If you do not see any start-up window, then you will have to open the template section manually. For that purpose, click the “Window” option at the top of the window and select “Plug-in Palettes”.
Here, you need to click the “Show Scripts” option, where you will see the “Templates” section. Click on it and select “Cards” from the list of templates available. -
You will now see a huge list of card templates on your screen. Check them one by one and select the one which you like the most. Moreover, you can select a template which complements best with the picture that you plan to use in the card.
When you select the template, the program may ask you to download the specific font used in the template, if you do not have it installed in your computer. If you do not want to use that font, then you do not need to download it, as you can choose any other font of your choice instead.
Now add your image in the image section of the card. For this purpose, select the arrow tool and go to the “File” menu and select “Place”. Now locate the image and highlight it. Click “OK” and the picture will be added to your card.
In order to edit the text of your card, click the “Page 2” icon, placed at the bottom-left of the window. Enter your desired text. If you want to change the size and font of the text, then you need to highlight the text and click “T” button, to make the required changes.
Go to the “File” menu and click “Save As” to save the card in your computer.