How to Crimp Your Hair without Heat

Crimping, which is usually done to straight hair using a crimper or a crimping iron, results in wavy hair, which are short of curls, but can look very attractive. However, given how a crimping iron employs heat, the process can damage your hair and scalp, and most people are averse to it due to this very fact. Fortunately though, there are methods to crimp your hair without using heat.
Wash your hair
First, you need to wash your hair, preferably just before your bed time. You can wash them as usual and condition them if you want. -
Let your hair dry a little
Before you begin the procedure, let your hair dry naturally. You can pat them softly with a towel too, but don’t completely dry them. It is important that your hair isn’t exactly dripping wet, or fully dry. -
Comb your hair
Now use a comb to untangle any hair and straighten them up completely. You don’t have to be very particular about the result, just untangle them. -
Split your hair from the back
Now you have to part your hair from the back into two separate sections. Place the sections on your respective shoulders before you start working on them. -
Braid the sections
Now you need to start braiding both sections, one at a time. If you have thick hair, you will need more braids compared to someone who has thin hair. Either way, you should have about 2 to 3 braids in each of the two sections you parted earlier. While the braid’s need to be tight, make sure you don’t pull your hair too hard. Once you are done, tie the ends with a hair band to make sure your braids don’t loosen up. -
Sleep with the braids
It is recommended that you sleep throughout the night in the braids. If not, you should at least keep them on for about 4 hours. The longer you keep your hair braided, the better crimped they will be. -
Dry them if not sleeping
If you don’t have time to sleep, dry your hair with a blow dryer after braiding. However, be careful not to keep the dryer too close or you will end up damaging your hair. -
Take out the braids
Once your hair is dry, or when you wake up the next morning, take out the braids slowly and unravel them by hand. Run your fingers through the hair and don’t use a comb. You should have crimped hair now.