How to Crochet a Basic Oval Shape

Crocheting a basic oval shape is not very difficult if you follow some simple techniques to perform this task. Many crochet tasks begin with a primary square form. A little connect and crochet line will easily create a simple doily; extensive pieces of material and a huge clip will create a toss rug. So what are you waiting for? Use your creativity to convert your crocheted ovals into wonderful inclusions to your house decorating. It is recommended to take your time when crocheting an oval as this challenging task will require you to be patient and pay attention to details.


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    Before doing anything else you will need to make sure that you have what it takes to successfully crochet a basic oval at home. Next prepare a list of items you will need to perform this task. Scissors, yarn, thread or fabric strips and Crochet clips are some of the main things required to crochet a basic oval. Begin by crocheting a sequence. The duration of the sequence relies on the style you want your oval to be. A more time sequence will create a lengthy, slim oval. A smaller sequence on the other hand will be round in shape. Take your time doing this especially if you are new to crocheting. Once you get a little practice you will be able to handle more complex shapes and designs with ease.

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    Make one crochet stitching (SC) in the second cycle of the sequence and proceed down to the end. In the last cycle of the sequence, use the 2 SCs. Rotate the base row and do not place it upside down. Make one SC in the other part of the row so the preliminary sequence has an SC at the top and base of each cycle. At the end, put in 3 SCs, and then connect with a slide stitching into the first SC you created.

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    Turn the item over and create an SC in each stitching of the row. You should now have gone around the bend to the end of the item without switching. Next, SC across and improve by 3 SCs as before, finish using slide stitching.

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    Continue creating SCs as explained before, improving by 3 at each bend. As the project gets bigger, you will have more SCs between each curve but you will go around each bend adding by 3. When the oval is big enough to accommodate your needs, use a slip stitch to complete the job. This may sound complicated at first but with some practice and a little patience you will be able to handle this to make some creative oval shapes.

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