How To Crop An Image In Indesign

Adobe InDesign is one of the most widely used photo editing software. It can be used to make magazines, books, newspapers, brochures, posters and flyers. Furthermore, it provides the tools which can be used to create content which is suitable for the tablet devices in combination with the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.

Production artists and graphic designers use this software to create different publications and posters as per their requirements. Although, it is a little bit difficult to understand, but once you become aware of the tools and settings, you can use them to create some amazing digital art work.

You don’t have to become a professional to use the InDesign programme as its tutorials are available everywhere. You can use the InDesign software for your professional as well as for your personal work. It gives you the image layout flexibility and also help to design whole document.


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    First of all, you have to open an InDesign document which contains the image you want to crop. You can also start a new document. In order to start working on a new document, first click ‘File’ menu and select ‘New’. Then, select ‘Document’ which is displayed in the fly-out menu. You will see a box from where you can change the settings of the page as per your requirement. After changing the page size or layout, you have to click ‘OK’.

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    After that, you have to click ‘File’ menu and then ‘Place’ in order to open the Place dialog box.

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    Find the image file which you want to import into the layout. After finding the file, select it and open it by clicking ‘Open’. It will load the mouse cursor along with the thumbnail of the image on your screen.

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    Then, insert the image into the page by clicking at the location at which you want to place your image.

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    Select the ‘Selection’ tool from the Tool panel.

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    There will be 8 handles which you can use to crop your image. You can crop your image in any dimension by using the handles on your screen through your mouse button.

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