How to Cry Without Being Noticed

Are you in public and feel like crying? Do you want others to not notice you while you shed a few tears? Crying without being noticed can be extremely difficult. Almost everyone will at least pretend that they care and start asking you questions once they see you in tears. At times it is hard to run away from the crowd in order to cry in a place where you are alone and it’s quiet. In such scenarios, you need to take care of a few things so that people do not judge you and you can cry without being noticed.
For starters, you can bring a smile to your face. If you think you cannot hold the tears in anymore, simply start smiling. In any case, it is better to make others believe that you are crying because you are happy. This might be hard to do if the situation is worse than you expected it to be, but simply give it a go. As soon as you think that your tears might drop off, bring a smile to your face. Others will most definitely notice those tears, but they will not be able to judge the reason why you are crying. In fact, they might even buy your smile.
Another way through which you can prevent people from noticing is by sitting against a wall, putting your head between your legs, and then crossing your arms over your forehead. Others will most definitely take notice, but you can always tell them that you have a bad headache. If someone is getting too close or wants to know the reason, simply ask them to get you some medicine. That’s the best way to get people off your head. Ask them to help you out since you are not feeling well. Pretend that the headache is really bad and you can’t put your head up. Keep crying until there are no more tears left, then go to the bathroom when the coast is clear and wipe your face.
Lastly, you can always find a bathroom to go and cry in. It might be difficult if you are outside, but in case you are in a hotel or even at your friend’s place, ask them to excuse you for a moment, simply go into the bathroom and sit inside the cubicle. The cubicle is a better option because everyone will respect your privacy in there. Keep a close check on people walking into the bathroom for washing hands, and in order to avoid them, simply lock the door from the inside and cry your heart out.