How to Cure Bedwetting in Children

Bed wetting is a very common problem faced by children universally. There are two kinds: primary and secondary. Former includes wetting two times a month while the latter is more of a sudden burst followed by no incidents. There are different causes which account for this problem. If your child faces this problem, then you are probably very frustrated. It affects the moods of the children and parents. Children also get shy and less confident and tend to avoid people. It is researched that boys face this problem more than girls. It can be treated with some measures.


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    First of all, you need to make the child aware that he is not the only one facing this problem. Tell them that it is not their fault. It can make them children scared emotionally and socially. As a parent, it is your duty to support him/her. Do not be hard on your child or scold him for this. Do not discuss this problem with any one else as this will hurt his self esteem. You need to respect privacy and make him comfortable.

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    Do not give water to your children right before bed time. There should be a gap of at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. Also it is essential that he uses the bathroom before going to bed. The fluid consumption should be high during the day and drinks with caffeine should be avoided. This causes the bladder to get irritated. You could even wake your child in the middle of the night and assist him to the bathroom and also tuck him back in again. If there are certain times of this accident, you could note it and wake him at those times.

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    You could buy a bed wetting alarm which helps your child to get up each night. These alarms can be found on online auctions. The clock comes with a sensor and notifies the child when they have to use the toilet. Teach your child how to use it effectively. If your child succeeds in not getting the bed wet, appreciate it whole heartedly. Give him a reward to show your happiness. It will be helpful if you focus on the positive side.

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    The last thing is to be understanding to this problem and support your child. Do not lose temper and keep working on the problem till he succeeds. If there is someone else in the family who faced the same problem, let your child talk to him.

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