How to Cure Chronic Hiccups

Chronic hiccups are a disruption of the human respiratory function, appearing as a result of jerky spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm. Unpleasant short intense breathing movements are accompanied by involuntary sounds that cause a lot of inconvenience especially to the person suffering from it. By itself, hiccups are harmless and can occur in perfectly healthy people.
Hiccups often appear without apparent cause, or may be a reaction to alcohol, overeating, etc. However, prolonged hiccups can be a sign of trouble, such as an infection, heart or mental problem.
Things Required:
– Cold Water
– Sugar
– Cherry and Bay Leaf Mixture
– Apple Cider Vinegar
– Bread
– Black Pepper
The most popular way to stop hiccups is a glass of cold water. Pour the water into a glass and drink it in small sips at equal intervals of time. It is assumed that the water washes the leftovers stuck in the lower oesophagus, eliminating their irritating action on the nerve that runs in this area.
A bitter or sour taste can eliminate hiccups without a doubt. Some prefer to put half a teaspoon of sugar at the base of tongue. The body reacts to this unexpected change in taste and consequently stops the hiccups.
Dissolve 10-15 drops of a mixture of cherry and bay leaf in water. Drink the solution with sips in equal proportions. If it is possible, add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into half a glass of water and drink it to eliminate hiccups.
Take a deep breath and hold it for several seconds. Repeat the process many times until it stops. The procedure can also be performed while lying on your back.
Eat a piece of bread. Try to take a deep breath and swallow the small piece of bread without chewing to stop your hiccups. However, the rapid ingestion of any food without any chewing can also cause involuntary contraction of the diaphragm.
Recall the memory of some of the events in your life in which you were tense and became nervous. However, if you already are in an uncomfortable position, it can provoke the situation.
In some people, hiccups can cause prolonged laughter. Thus, hiccups can be stopped with a change in mood like listening to some sad news which can cause involuntary contraction of the diaphragm.
Sometimes, sneezing can stop hiccups. Tickle the nasal passage or smell black pepper to sneeze.