How to Cure TMJ with Jaw Exercises

TMJ – Temporomandibular joint disorder – is a problem that can affect an area at back, neck, heath and mouth of a person suffering from it. The problem is caused by an orthodontic work, or natural shifting of teeth. If untreated, it can affect the person’s eating, sleeping and even breathing sometimes. In addition to regular or medical treatment, some basic jaw exercises can help solve the problem. Be assured you do not leave the issue untreated for a longer period of time, as it can be very painful.
Mouth and Tongue Exercise
Try to wide open your mouth with your tongue placed on the roof top for a few seconds and breathe in slowly. Do the breathe in process with your tongue in the position and mouth wide opened for about two or three counts and then also breathe out in the same position for a similar number of counts. Repeat the process for about a dozen times, although there is no fix recommended number of the repeating process. -
Pressure Opening of Jaws
Open and close your jaws repeatedly with pressure of your fingers on each side of your jaws. Place one finger on each side of your jaws and with the pressure open the jaws and then close them. Do not allow your jaws to click with each other and if they do, leave the process there and then, and do it again from the beginning . The pressure of fingers on each side of both jaws allows the jaws to open and close evenly and thus risk of further injuring them is reduced. -
Fist and Chin Technique
Place a fist of your one hand under your chin and balance it properly under it. Then try to press the fist while also trying to open your jaw gradually. Do not put too much pressure as your chin can be slipped off the fist and can risk an injury. Also, do not allow jaws to click and if they do, do it again from the start. The isometric energy will help your jaw bone relax and thus heal the injury. -
Loose Shaking of Chin
Once your jaws are relaxed and aligned, you hold your chin with your thumb and the pointer finger. While holding it firmly move it back and forth loosely. Be careful doing the process and do not put too much pressure around your chin. If you feel any pain in the jaws stop doing the exercise immediately. Do the exercise again after a gap of some hours.