How To Cut a Man’s Fingernails

Imagine, you have reached a dance party wearing an expensive suit. Your hair is neatly combed, and the shoes are well polished. You just look like a superstar, and every girl on the dance floor is secretly watching you.

Suddenly, you find a sexy blonde sitting alone in the corner. You go to her, and request to become your dance partner. She nods with a beautiful smile, but suddenly walks away after watching your hand, which you had extended to ask her to dance floor.

The entire party is laughing, and you are standing totally stunned, wondering what you have just done wrong. You suddenly notice that you are the one with ugly fingernails and this is why the lady has refused to dance with you.

It would surely be a massive embarrassment. Your hands are one of the first things that people usually notice when meeting for the first time. Men often don’t care much about their fingernails. A lot of men have a tendency to bite their nails, and this gives an even worse impression.

One should always take out a few minutes to cut his nails. If you are having bad fingernails, quickly get a clipper to clean them up in order to avoid any regrets.

Things Required:
Fingernail clipper
Fingernail file
Hand lotion


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    First of all, wash your hands with soap. The water softens your nails, which eventually become easier to cut. Take the clipper, and cut your nails one by one. Make sure that you don’t go too deep while doing this.

    You are recommended to cut only the extra part of the nail. Going too down might cause injury. Start from the index finger, and slowly reach the little one at the end. Always hold the nail clipper firmly.

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    Now, it is the time to clean your nails. Find the scraper tip, and scratch out the dust, if there is any. Again, there is no need to be an extremist. If the sharp tip does not bring out the whole dust, use warm water to wash it.

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    You might have cut your nails unevenly, so filing is very important. Get a nail file, and smooth out the edges. Try to make them as rounded as possible. Do the same with every finger.

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    The last step is to have a close look at your nails to make sure that the job is completed. Now, wash your hands with water, and apply a moisturising lotion to give a fresh and clean look.

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