How to Deadlift with Proper Technique

Deadlift is one of the most important positions in weightlifting or bodybuilding. However, the position is a bit dangerous to perform as it requires proper technique, exerting pressure on several muscles.

In simpler terms,  deadlift is viewed as a leg press exercise with a barbell handled tightly. Performing deadlift takes more than just a sound technique or nerve, as mastering this position will take days of practice before you can do the job properly and effectively.

The basic purpose of  deadlift is to strengthen muscle and boost stamina. Since muscles constantly feel pressure while you exercise and several parts of body respond to different positions, it is very important to know the techniques before you do the deadlift.

There are two types of deadlift position: Conventional deadlift and Sumo stance deadlift.

Conventional deadlift is more common than Sumo stance deadlift as just about everyone does this in order to gain stamina and strengthen their muscle fibre. Conventional deadlift position is done by standing with legs shoulders width apart. If you are working out in a gym, your instructor can help you learn how to take the position and the amount of weight.

On the other hand, Sumo stance deadlift is a bit more difficult to perform. The position of Sumo stance deadlift requires you to stand with legs wide apart.

Professional body builders usually do the deadlift in their off-season. Since the purpose of the exercise is to strengthen muscle and boost stamina, body shape has nothing to do with it. As for a newbie and an amateur body builder, the deadlift serves the same purpose.

Although the exercise is effective and makes a person more adaptive to different body building positions, the risk of muscle fibre damage is always high, if it is not done properly.


  • 1

    Place the barbell straight on the ground

    The first step to do the deadlift is to place the barbell on the ground. It depends on you how much weight you put on the barbell. But the position will remain the same whether you use weights or not.

  • 2

    Squat down and hold the barbell with an alternate grip

    Squat down properly to grasp the barbell with shoulder width apart. Your back should be flat while lifting the barbell as it makes it more comfortable for the backbone.

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    Stand up slowly with the same position

    Maintaining the same squatting position, stand up slowly while holding the barbell tight. When you have stood up properly, squat down again in the same manner. Be sure to lower the barbell in the same position as you lifted it.

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