How to Deal With a Guy Who Thinks You like Him

Young boys and girls can often get distracted through different confusions. Such confusions are usually witnessed in relationships, where two persons are seeing the same relation with different perspectives. These kinds of scenarios are witnessed in educational institutes or work-places most of the times.

Girls have to interact with a number of people in university and in offices as well and quite naturally they become friends with many of them. However, they face a typical problem as many guys start to think that the girl loves them. That does not mean that you stop talking to such boys or become extremely rude, in an effort to stop people taking these impressions.

Such a situation needs to be handled with extreme care as a slight mistake can lead to creating a scene. Effective communication is very important if you want to avoid confusions like these.


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    Communicate pleasantly

    Communicate to the guy in this case and tell him quite clearly that you just consider him as a friend and there is no feeling of romance. However, you must be very clear in your communication and should not be hasty. Find the right atmosphere and chance to talk to the guy. Your conversation should be in a polite tone and things must not be handled emotionally. You can even hold his hand and make him understand the situation.

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    Avoid physical contact and flirt

    You must make an effort to avoid border-line romance such as hugging, kissing on the cheeks and dancing together. Friends often do that but you need to be extra careful because the boy thinks you love him. Preferably, you should limit your physical contact to merely hand-shake or high-fives.

    Some girls have a habit of flirting around with guys for the sake of fun. In a case like this however, you need to have a lot of self-control, because any wrong signal from your side can lead to a serious situation, which you would like to avoid obviously.

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    No need to feel bad

    A girl with a clear conscience can often take the blame herself for making the guy feel that she loves her. However, you do not need to go into such a phase if you were honest. Make sure that your reaction towards the guy does not change and you remain the same with him. If you go into a depression because of the bad feeling or guilt, it will not help you avoid this mess.

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