How to Deal With a Neighbor’s Barking Dog

There is hardly anything as annoying as going to bed after a tough day at office, only to find yourself being kept awake by the continuous barking of your neighbor’s dog. While cursing helps to vent anger, it has no effect on the irritating dog. In order to get rid of the nuisance, you need to communicate your frustration to the neighbor and request them to do something to put an end to it. Simply ignoring the dog and his barking may help you to endure it for a while, but sooner or later, you will find yourself reaching the tipping point again.


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    If the barking wakes you up late at night, put on some warm clothes such as an overcoat and get out on the street to identify the house where the barking is coming from. Instead of ringing the doorbell of that house to complain about their dog and its barking right away, make a mental note of the house address and return back to your house. Get back in bed and try to fall asleep.

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    Consider all the options available to you for letting the dog’s owner know how their dog’s barking is causing your disturbance and keeping you from getting sleep at night. You can either tell this to them face-to-face, or you can leave them a letter. The first option is relatively better, since it will get you an instant response and will also allow you to convey your frustration much better.

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    The moment you wake up in the morning, head out to that house again and this time ring the doorbell to talk to the dog’s owner in case you decided to go with the “confront the dog’s owner directly” option. Instead of being mushy and exchanging pleasantries, be explicit while communicating your frustration to the dog’s owner. Make it clear to them that you cannot endure their dog’s barking at night and therefore they should do something to make it stop.

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    Give them a suggestion or two to help them resolve the issue. You can ask them to keep the dog inside the house at night, or feed the dog well before going to bed.

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    If the dog’s barking continues during the night, use it as an opportunity to enhance your relaxation skills. Remember, it is not the dog that is making you frustrated and annoyed. It is you who is letting yourself becoming frustrated and annoyed. Distract yourself with something else to get your mind off the dog’s barking.

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