How to Deal With an Embarrassing Situation

Every one of us has been through an embarrassing situation one time or another. For some of us it’s no biggie, but for others: they can’t get over it. We all are prone to making mistakes and sometimes in front of others. There is no need to feel that you should be buried alive for it. it is natural and we all can learn to cope with it. Read on to find out how.


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    There is no need to show that you are embarrassed. One of the best ways to keep the embarrassment at bay is to hide the feeling. If you start accepting that you are embarrassed, others will also feel conscious. It will also give you the courage to get up if you have slipped or stumbled. Stay calm and be confident.

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    Don’t act the way people expect you to. It is a very important step as it will make the situation appear very coo and people around you will also be surprised. For example: if a lunch tray falls from your hand in front of the whole cafeteria, you are expected to glance at people who will be laughing and then run away to hide. This will make you look very week. Instead just smile or laugh and say something like,” that’s exactly how I like it. There will be many around you who would make fun of you. Instead of taking it to heart, join in their laughter and give a casual comment. Once they realize you are not that ashamed of the incident, they will stop. If this is too much for you, just try to be with people who will not laugh at you.

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    When an incident happens, it is natural to be ashamed, but there is no need to fall deeper in this guilt and shame. Do not let these negative feelings affect your thoughts. Don’t let your mind compel you to believe that you are a mess and people do not like you. If you keep thinking of a bad situation, it just gets worst. So don’t let your mind wander in the past. Stop playing the same scene in your head again and again. If you do not think about it, you will forget it quickly.

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    Even if after doing everything, you are still highly embarrassed, just remember that this will pass. May be some time later it wouldn't matter to you that much and you even smile at the memory.

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