How to Deal With Cold Weather Leg Cramps

Numerous people suffer from leg cramps, especially during the winter season. However, associating leg cramps with sudden drop in temperature is not totally justified. Our daily routine has a lot to do with the leg cramps. People tend to relax too much during winter season and dehydration is another factor. There are certain remedies that you can try if you are suffering from leg cramps. Changing your lifestyle just a little bit can prevent leg cramps. Here is what you should do if you are trying to deal with leg cramps.


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    For people who work at a desk all day long and do not have too much activity when they go home, leg cramps may occur due to extended periods of inactivity. Stretch your leg muscles in various positions. Also, massage your leg muscles at least once every day. If your schedule permits, go for a morning walk to keep your legs stretched.

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    Leg cramps may be caused by dehydration. Most people tend to drink less water especially when the weather is cold while others replace water with the wrong drinks. A normal person needs at least 8 glasses of clean drinking water. You can alternate water with un-caffeinated tea but the total number of servings has to be 8 every day.

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    You can deal with leg cramps by keeping your muscles and your mind relaxed. It may sound surprising, but the truth is that you can heal leg cramps by keeping your mind free from daily tension. Taking a warm bath after a long day at work can be really helpful. It will not only relieve stress from your muscles but will also relax your mind.

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    Massage the sore muscles to relax them and then apply a cold compress to relieve most of the pain. Over the counter medication can also prove helpful when dealing with leg cramps in cold weather. Take a few doses of Tylenol or Aleve.

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    If the pain does not go away even after you tried all these remedies, you should consult your doctor without further delay. The doctor will perform a proper diagnosis and then suggest the proper medication to speed up the recovery process.

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