How to Deal With Muscle Aches After Knee Surgery

Pain is the most common post-operative condition faced by the patients after undergoing a knee surgery. This pain is accompanied by muscle aches, making life a lot more miserable for the patients. However, the good thing about these muscle aches is that they can be easily treated at home through some common DIY home practices, such as taking painkillers, ice treatment and massage.

Things Required:

– Pain medication
– Crutches
– Ice
– Massage cream
– Pain relieving ointments


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    Take pain relieving medicines as prescribed

    The most important thing when dealing with post-surgery muscle aches is to regularly take the prescribed pain medication. Every surgeon prescribes his patient a proper medication for particular circumstances, including painkillers. Make sure you take the medication half an hour before undergoing physical therapy and performing other rehabilitation exercises. This will reduce your chances of experiencing pain.

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    Rest is necessary

    Rest is key for a speedy recovery after a knee surgery. Over-activity may lead to unbearable pain and swelling in your operated knee, which will interfere with your physical therapy, affecting your healing process and progress.

    Do not even expect to resume your regular daily activities within a week after the surgery, or at least during the first four or five days. After the first week of your recovery, you can indulge yourself in short spurts; however, make sure you give your knee rest for longer periods in between.

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    Walk with crutches

    Do not put too much weight on the operated knee immediately after undergoing the surgery. By walking around with crutches, you will take some burden off the knee. However, it is necessary to put bearable weight on the knee during the recovery period to strengthen the muscles.

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    Ice the operated knee regularly

    Icing is very important for pain management after the knee surgery. It will help reduce swelling and pain around the operated knee. For optimal results, ice the knee and muscles around it for 15 to 20 minutes at least thrice a day. However, do not apply the ice pack directly to the skin, rather place a washcloth between the ice and your skin. Applying the ice directly to your skin can damage the tissues.

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    Massage the muscles around the operated knee

    Massaging the muscles surrounding your injured knee with a pain relieving ointment will help reduce pain and promote healing. Elevate your leg and use a kneading motion to soothe the aching muscles around the knee.

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    Avoid strengthening exercises

    Cut back on strengthening workouts during the rehabilitation period. Performing too many strengthening exercises can worsen the condition.

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