How to Deal With Rogue Mortgage Servicers

Getting a mortgage loan from a mortgage firm is something every US citizen does, but when it comes to foreclosure, things become pretty messy and the rouge behavior of mortgage servicers makes life hard for borrowers.

Many people who do not know how to deal with rogue mortgage servicers find themselves in big trouble as they not only have to relinquish their property, but also face heavy-handed tactics these lenders use in order to get their money—usually unethically.

In order to deal with such a situation, you need to make sure that you are following the right guidelines that can get you relief.


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    Call your lender (bank) to see if your servicer is the accredited mortgage company or just acting as a middleman. Stop calling your mortgage servicer at once if things have already started to worsen. Most of the people end up making a series of phone calls to their mortgage servicers, which is absolutely futile and does nothing but wastes your time and money. Remember that your mortgage servicer is not the actual entity that gives you money, it is usually banks. So, these servicers will try to do anything to strip you of your money and property.

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    Write the right Qualified Written Request (QWR) in order to get info about your mortgage service. QWR is written to get information about your service provider and point out errors (if you have found). So, be sure mention all the basic information that includes your name and account. Create a statement of reasons, explaining errors that you think your mortgage servicer has made. Do not forget to mention the words “Qualified Written Request” under the heading of your request.

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    Ask your mortgage servicer for your account history. This will let you know since when you have had dispute with the servicer. Another good aspect of demanding an account history is that you will know the validity of charges made to you.

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    Attach other documents with the Qualified Written Request such as explanation of charges that the servicer has been getting from you. In addition, you should also send you mortgage statement that mentions the contract’s details. Doing this will allow you to make comparisons between your contractual papers/documents and account history.

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    If things remain the same and you sense an inevitable foreclosure, you can try consulting an attorney. The attorney will make sure that your mortgage servicer abides by the mortgage contract and streamline your loan.

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