How to Decorate Wedding Cars

There are hundreds of agencies that offer wedding car decoration. But such agencies charge plenty of money. Furthermore, you cannot create design of your own choice. Decorating a wedding car is not hard, if you have all the required material.

By doing this yourself, you can save plenty of money as well as create a unique style. It will surely be a memorable activity if you are doing it for your own wedding. It is important to have an attractive wedding car, as it makes the ceremony more gorgeous.

You can be as experimental as you want, but make sure the driver faces no difficult due to flowers and other decorating stuff on the front screen.

Things Required:

– Flowers
– Ribbons
– Transparent Tape
– Other decoration material


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    First of all, you need to select the car that you want to decorate. The decoration material is available in various colours and you need to buy it according to the colour of your car. Remember, some cars look more attractive without any decoration. For example, a classic 1970 model will look more beautiful without decoration.

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    It is the time to gather material for decoration, such as feathers, glass markers and streamers. You can also use photographs, water-base glue, balloons and finger-paints. The choice of material is entirely yours. Although you can do experiments during the procedure, it is always better to draw a sketch in your mind.

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    Create a wonderful design by attaching streamers to the side mirrors, front & back bumpers and antennas. The streams should be about feet in length. Otherwise, they won’t glide through the air. You can even add balloons to your car for additional colours. The balloons are not recommended in case you have a long distance to travel.

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    Use a removable marker and write something on the car windows. One can write the names of bride and groom. A lot of people write romantic sayings on the car windows, so the bride feels great to read them. You can also use ribbons of different colours to draw alphabets on the car windows.

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    Pasting the pictures of groom and bride is another good trick. Make sure the photographs are large and you are using the colour copies.

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    Attach a bunch of flowers on the bonnet. Use colourful ribbons to wrap around the entire car. Make sure the tape does not damage the paint of your car.

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