How to Decrease Your Risk of Heart Attack

When plaque is formed in the artery walls due to the building up of cholesterol and other substances, this process is called atherosclerosis. The blood supply to heart is reduced or closed when enough plaque is built up in the artery, and a heart attack occurs as a result. Despite having health facilities in the world that are better than ever before, we are falling prey to more and more heart diseases, due to poor eating habits and lack of physical activity.

However, by taking into account some factors and making little changes in our lifestyle, we can surely decrease the risk of a heart attack.


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    Cholesterol and blood pressure level

    It is imperative that you keep a check on your cholesterol and blood pressure levels as these two factors, if high, put you at a greater risk of a heart attack.

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    Quit smoking and alcohol

    If you smoke, you need to be ready for heart and lung diseases at some stage of your life. Smoking is extremely injurious to health and if you are looking to decrease the chances of a heart attack, you must stop smoking.

    Alcohol is even more dangerous for the heart and lungs than smoking. Therefore, you must stop taking any kind of drugs or alcohol.

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    Most of us have poor eating habits. It is highly recommended that you prefer fresh vegetables and fruits over junk food. Any food that has a high cholesterol level must be avoided if you want to reduce the chances of a heart attack. One should also avoid over-eating at any cost. Do not let the fat levels of your body go past the normal limit.

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    Avoid stress

    Stress is one of the major reasons behind heart attacks. Life in the modern world has become extremely tough and demanding; however, one must try to enjoy all phases of life and avoid stress.

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    Workout regularly

    Changing your lifestyle should be the goal in your efforts to reduce your chances of a heart attack and one of the most important factors is exercise. Gyms are available in almost all the cities of the world. Apart from gym, you can join a swimming club or can even start a physical activity like jogging or walking in a park. If it is hard for you to exercise regularly, you should find a partner as it will become easier for you to be more consistent this way.

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