How to Define Cheekbones

A woman can always find something to complain about especially about her looks and appearance. So, cheekbones, like any other part of the face can cause dissatisfaction. Some people complain about too prominent cheekbones, others complain about them being ultra thin. However, there are different ways to make beautiful cheekbones.

Prominent cheekbones can give any person a charming look. Almost any woman, who uses make-up, knows that she can easily adjust the shape of the chin, nose, lips, and even the eye with makeup. However, not every woman knows how to make the cheekbones prominent.


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    The first method to highlight cheekbones is available for almost any woman. It does not require substantial financial investment, painful procedures and it is not even time-consuming. Of course, we're talking about cosmetics. You can achieve amazing visual effects with make-up.

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    Competently highlighted cheekbones make an oval face noble. However, you'll need powder and blush for overhauling.

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    Before you apply makeup, use a foundation: it will help you to match the colour of your face and hide weaknesses as well. Then apply powder, depending on your choice. It is best to use a broad brush, not sponge. Apply blush after doing eye makeup and applying lipstick.

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    To highlight cheekbones, use foundation or powder. Use shades darker than the one you are using with a normal make-up. In some cases, you can even use the shadows.

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    To highlight the cheekbones using cosmetic brush with a bevelled edge, use a darker shade of powder and draw a line under the cheekbone. Draw a line from the ear to the middle of the face and then take a round brush to apply powder. You can also apply blush to freshen up the face. To do this, brush the most protruding part of the cheek (do not use bright and subtle colours).

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    The popular ones are creamy blush beyond any doubt as they are more persistent. If you are using just such, remember that they need to be applied after the foundation.

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