How to Deliver Phone Books for Money

Delivering Phone Books can turn out to be an excellent way to increase your income. With the world’s economy still recovering from recession, many are still unemployed. A lot of people are looking for part time jobs that can earn you extra money. It is hard to find a well paying part time jobs these days but delivering Phone Books is one of them. There is no denying the fact Phone Books are limited to local area and they are bulky. However, rather than throwing them, you can start delivering these Phone Books to boost your income.


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    Talk to your friends and relative to check if they have any unwanted telephone books. If this is the case, then collect the Phone Books. The more Phone Books you can collect, the more money can you make for yourself.

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    If you are employed by a phone company, you can make extra money by finding out when the company intends to deliver phone books. Consider speaking to customer services representative or hiring manager at the company to check if there are any vacant positions. You can also keep an eye out in the classifieds as most of the companies advertise their job vacancies in popular newspapers and magazines. If you see an advertisement saying that phone book delivering staff is required then you should apply for that position without wasting any time.

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    It is recommended to attend any orientation that the company is organising. This will help you determine how many hours of work you will be required to do and how much you will be getting paid for delivering the phone books. Before getting the job offer, the company may ask you to fill out the paperwork. Sometimes, it is compulsory to attend the orientation because if you don’t, you will not be allowed to do the job and make extra money delivering phone books.

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    Follow the instructions described in the orientation. By following simple rules and regulations, not only will you satisfy the client but also improve your chances of getting extra work hours. If you are looking to get hired as a permanent employee, consider doing everything right the first time.

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    Make sure you have a good sized vehicle to contain and deliver phone books to a number of people at a time. Phone books are pretty big and you might need more room in your vehicle than you think.

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