How to Diagnose Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

The rotator cuff is a shoulder joint that supports the overall structure of the shoulder and helps in moving the arm in all direction without creating any trouble. However, sometimes due to extra stress or an accident people suffer with rotator cuff tendinitis which creates swear pain in shoulder muscles especially when you move your arm. This injury usually requires rest and in some cases a surgery is required to deal with rotator cuff tendinitis. If you are also in trouble because of rotator cuff tendinitis, and want to diagnose it then you can take valuable guidance from this article.


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    First of all, you should understand that diagnosis of rotator cuff tendinitis is a bit tricky and you need to get as much information and awareness as possible about this type of injury before treating it.

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    You need to find the rotator cuff which is at the top or upper part of your arm bone. It is not difficult to find because it is in the form of a joint with the shoulder blade.

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    The major symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis are severe pain while moving the arm, shoulder pain especially at night, pain during combing the hair and weakness while lifting up your arm.

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    If you feel severe pain while raising your arm in a side way or in front of you then you are having a problem of rotator cuff tendinitis.

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    In rotator cuff tendinitis, pain gradually increases and it aggravates when you move your arm that puts pressure on the joint of shoulder and it causes more pain.

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    Always avoid making overuse of your shoulder muscles because rotator cuff tendinitis usually caused by putting more pressure on your shoulder or over using it.

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    This injury usually hits to young people especially athletes who play tennis, badminton, volley ball, basket ball and base ball etc. This injury causes inflammation to the joint of the shoulder that brings gradual pain. If you are involved in such games then try to avoid getting a rotator cuff tendinitis.

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    If you feel that your rotator cuff tendinitis is causing severe pain then immediately go to doctor who will help you to diagnose and eliminate this problem. You should also examine your joint through x-ray which will reveal the actual condition of your shoulder.

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    If your doctor recommends a complete bed rest then you should stay at home and also avoid doing any activities that require you to move your arm as it can aggravate the injury.

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