How to Diagnose Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, which is also called SLE, is an autoimmune disease that is caused by tissue damage. Tissues in human body can be damaged due to creation of abnormal antibodies in the blood.

SLE is classified as a fatal disease and can kill a human if not treated on time. However, due to the modern technology and precautionary measures, the disease can be removed before it can hurt a human body.

The survival rate in people suffering from systemic Lupus Erythematosus has risen in the past few years, and it is hoped that the rate will grow to over 95%. There are some criteria to keep in mind while diagnosing SLE.


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    Discoid rash

    If your face gets scaly red patches, you should check with your doctor who will examine whether the rashes are caused by SLE or exposure to sun.

    Exposure to sun can often lead to SLE, so make no mistake and see a doctor as quickly as possible.  Experts say that persons having sensitive skin should expose their face and other visible parts like arms and upper part of chest to the sunlight (especially UV rays), as it is typically a factor promoting outbreaks of the disease.

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    Malar rash

    It is typically a facial rash, unlike discoid which can appear on any part of the body. Also called butterfly rash, Malar rash is usually scaly, purplish and dark red. The rash covers cheeks and the bridge of the nose.

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    Kidney infection

    Kidney infection, which may be caused by several other abnormalities and problems, can also lead to SLE in a human body. When a kidney is infected, the person suffering from it can experience loss of more than 0.5 grams of protein per day in their urine. It is something that should raise your eyebrows and an immediate check up should be performed on the patient.

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    If you find erosions or ulcers of the oral mucosa in a human body, you should know that the patient needs an immediate medical check up.

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    Patients suspected of being affected by SLE usually feel joint pain and joint effusion. Since blood gets unusual antibodies, the bones and joints are automatically hurt.

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    Central nervous system gets infected and the person suspected of having SLE may experience seizures and epileptic.

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    Another way diagnose SLE in a person is to check for hematological symptoms like Hemolytic anemia, Thrombocytopenia with platelet count below 100,000, and Lymphopenia with lymphocyte counts below 1500 per mm3.

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