How to Diagnose Vestibular Neuronitis

Vestibular Neuronitis – a dysfunction of vestibular system in inner ear – can be cured with time. However, sometimes the problem can linger on, and it is possible that the person who is suffering from it may not be aware of it because of lack of awareness or for any other reason. In such case, an ENT specialist may be consulted to diagnose the problem properly and getting it treated during its premature phase. There are a number of ways to suspect the dysfunction of neuronitis and in case of even a suspicion, you should see the doctor, immediately.
Nausea and Vomiting
Some of the most common symptoms are that a person feels nausea and vomiting. The person can also feel noise in ear drums while vomiting. This is one of the simplest signs of showing that a person is suffering from neuronitis. -
Eye Movements
Check for the person's eye movement. It is possible that the person with Vestibular Neuronitis uses focused visualization to curb the pain. This however will require closer observation, and may not be apparent many times. The most visible sign of it is the time when the person sees towards the good ear. The observation process is easier if you have knowledge about the disease as otherwise it is too difficult to check the eye movement by a common person. -
Hallpike Manoeuvre
Hallpike manoeuvre is another way to identify the illness. First, the person should move his head forward, then 45 degrees to the right and 45 degrees to the left. If the person's manoeuvre are induced to vertigo, a conclusion is made that the person suffers the vestibular neuronitis. This option can effectively be tried to diagnose the problem. -
Laboratories Studies
Vertigo sometimes may not lead to conclusion if the person has Vestibular Neuronitis. For this you will need to use support from lab studies to reach the conclusion. For this, studying different symptoms and then comparing them is necessary to reach a conclusion about the person who is suffering from the problem.